Here they are, the best of the best posts on writing and freelancing that ran on the WordCount blog during 2012.
“Best” is a relative term. Some posts are the best because they attracted the most page views. Others got the most comments. Others were the most shared on social media like Twitter or Facebook. And some are the best because they’re my personal favorites.
Happy reading!
Be a Better Freelance Writer
Tips from acclaimed authors, plus advice from the trenches:
10 things J.K. Rowling taught me about writing
6 writing lessons from Barbara Kingsolver
5 lessons writers can learn from “Fearless” Felix Baumgartner
7 steps to becoming a trend spotting ace
Top 10 things writers should check before turning in a story
Everything you need to know about word counts (but were too afraid to ask your editor)
4 simple steps writers can take to become better proofreaders
Turn Freelance Writing into a Business

As the gig economy grows, more writers are bailing out of staff jobs to do their own thing. Here’s some suggestions for how to be better at being your own boss:
The 4 iconic types of freelancers
10 ways to boost your freelance writing income
10 businesses freelance writers can start today
7 secrets about editors every freelance writer should know
10 ways to find new freelance clients
10 ways to use a writer’s conference to market your work
25 practical, productive things freelancers can do when everyone else is on vacation
Do More in Less Time
Being productive doesn’t have to mean working more, just working smarter:
5 quick tips writers can use to avoid procrastinating
How writers can use Evernote to get organized, be more productive
Using whiteboards to stay organized: low tech, high satisfaction
What successful writers do before breakfast
5 tips for using Outlook Calendar to manage your work day
Use These Tech Tools for Writing
So many apps, so little time to test all of them. I’ve taken some of the work out of deciding what to use:
How freelancers and other writers can use Pinterest
Writers’ 6 top tech tools for getting work done
Promote your writing business through your email signature
Read Good Writing
Since the very early days of this blog, I’ve run a weekly round up of good reads from news websites, blogs and elsewhere, all part of my mantra that to do good writing, you need to read good writing. I’ll be sharing the best of those good reads in a separate post. But here’s a sample to whet your appetite:
William Zinsser and On Writing Well
Jonah Lehrer and bad writer behavior
Pinterest, Patch and Kindle Singles
The WordCount Blogathon Annual Blogging Challenge
The community blogging challenge I host every May turned five. It was our biggest year ever, with more than 300 freelance writers and bloggers signing up (though not as many made it to the finish line). Some highlights from the month:
The 2012 Blogathon blog roll – the who’s who of this year’s blogging challenge
5 newbie mistakes I’d avoid if I started blogging today
The ultimate guide to daily blogging challenges
Dear WordCount: How do I set up an RSS feed for my blog?
For more of the most popular posts that have ever run on WordCount, read this: 101 Greatest Hits.