The 2010 WordCount Blogathon starts May 1 – here’s your guide to a month’s worth of blogging fun.
You could be a 2010 WordCount Blogathon winner!
To mark WordCount’s 3rd annual blogathon, we’re giving away coaching, software and other fabulous prizes to writers who commit to blogging the entire month of May.
Announcing the 3rd annual WordCount Blogathon
The third annual WordCount Blogathon kicks off May 1, when writers from all over team up to blog every day for a month. Registration’s open – are you in?
WordCount Blogathon 2010 Poll: How can we make it better?
The 3rd annual WordCount Blogathon will see freelance writers blog every day in May. Help decide what new features should be added by taking this short poll.
Why writers should blog: it’s not personal, it’s business
The house is a mess. The bills are overdue. I missed a deadline. I haven’t signed my son up for a single summer camp or planned the family’s summer vacation. I’ve been too busy blogging. For the past month I’ve posted here every day. 31 days, 31 blog posts – a couple more actually because […]
5 ways to blog every day without freaking out
You signed up for a blogathon and realize you now have to blog about something every day for a month. Ack! There’s no getting around the fact daily blogging is work. But there are ways to minimize the extra effort. Writing short, planning ahead, mixing up the types of blog posts you write, creating standing features […]