When was the last time you looked over your old blog posts? You should, because your readers are. If you’re like me, you probably spend more time thinking about whatever it is you’re working on today or have to start next week. But there’s value in looking in the opposite direction. This hit home this […]
Why writers should blog: it’s not personal, it’s business
The house is a mess. The bills are overdue. I missed a deadline. I haven’t signed my son up for a single summer camp or planned the family’s summer vacation. I’ve been too busy blogging. For the past month I’ve posted here every day. 31 days, 31 blog posts – a couple more actually because […]
Freelance link love, for Friday, May 30
Here’s what I’ve been reading this week: The Editor Unleashed The Editor Unleashed Guide to Good Blogging – Good advice from the former editor of Writer’s Digest. The Huffington Post 13 tips for actually getting some writing done The Urban Muse I Said, He Said, We Said – Picking a point of view for your […]
Freelance link love for week of May 24
Here’s what I’ve been reading about freelancing, writing and the online news business I’ve been reading this week: On writing: How do you learn to write – From a literary agent, writer and book editor. 5 tips for citizen journalism from ProPublica’s new ‘crowdsorcerer’ 16 things you learn in j-school – Journalism basics You don’t […]
A WordCount blogroll update
I’m using the blogathon and the holiday weekend as motivation to do some blog housekeeping – all the better to avoid the real housekeeping I should be doing. I’ve been working on my blogroll, which has been neglected for too long. The great thing about a blogroll is you can make it anything you want […]
May 21 is Blogathon Guest Post Day
We’re a dozen days into the communal blogging experiment known as the 2nd Annual WordCount Blogathon and so far the reactions of the participating writers are all over the place. Some are enjoying it, and others finding it harder than they thought it would be. Some are getting creative – Sue Dickman devoted last Saturday’s […]