Reviews of BlogSaladBlog, Out and Employed, About English Idioms and other blogs taking part in the 2010 WordCount Blogathon.
Recommended reading for May 7, 2010
James Fallows, Robert Niles and other recommended reading for writers and bloggers for May 7, 2010.
If you’re over 40, you belong on LinkedIn
If you’ve sworn off online communities like Facebook because all people do there is goof off, join LinkedIn, the site that puts the work in social network.
How to know if you’re freelance editor material
Because you’re good with words doesn’t mean you’re good with people, but editors have to be good at both. Here are 8 qualities freelance editors have to have.
Experience matters
Sometimes older really is wiser – especially if you make an effort to keep up with times too.
2010 WordCount Blogathon by the numbers
The number of bloggers in the 2010 WordCount Blogathon is up by more than 145 percent. Here are other interesting facts about this year’s blogging marathon.