To get a better idea of what self-employed writers do, let’s share what projects we’ve got going right now.
Dear WordCount: Can I avoid in-person meetings with clients?
If you’re spending too much time on meetings and not enough on work, here are some tips for cutting back.
65+ apps for writers
Check out this public Twitter list of more than 65 apps for writers that covers everything from file storage to self-publishing. Like it? Subscribe to the list.
5 quick tips writers can use to avoid procrastinating
In this sponsored post, business writer Jodi Torpey describes five painless ways freelancers can keep the words flowing.
Spring break: 10 reasons I’m heading out of town
I’m outta here. I’m taking a spring break vacation – a whole week off from work. I practice yoga, and for the last class of every three-month session, my teacher Linda schedules a restorative practice. We work through a few active poses, then spend the majority of the class prone, propped up with bolsters, blankets and […]
Recommended reading for Sept. 9: startups, self doubt and more
Highlights from the week’s best reads for writers: what startup founders look like; struggling with self doubt; bloggers’ revenge, PR ethics and more.