Today’s the day all #blog2012 bloggers are trying their hands at haiku, the 3 line Japanese poetry. Here’s mine, about yesterday’s eclipse.
Blogathon week 3 recap: Bloggers share mid-life reinventions on SecondAct
Entrepreneur Magazine’s website for people over 40 invited this year’s blogathon participates to write about their second acts. here are some of those stories.
Reading list for May 18: graduation-time inspiration for writers of all ages
You don’t need to be a new j-school graduate to appreciate these inspirational tidbits from Sheryl Sandberg, Peter Shankman, Steve Jobs and others.
Dear WordCount: How do I set up an RSS feed for my blog?
This installment of the weekly advice column tackles two basics beginning bloggers need to know : RSS feeds and labeling posts using categories and tags.
My second act: blogging my way to career reinvention
At the invitation of, bloggers in the #blog2012 challenge are using today’s posts to write about their own second acts. Here’s mine.
Q&A: How Alana Mautone blogged every day for a year (and more)
The upstate New York blogger has posted 373 days in a row – and is still at it. Find out where she gets ideas and her favorite time to write.