Ever want a do over? A chance to start from the beginning and make things happen a little – or a lot – differently from what you did the first time around? Yeah, me too. For the last theme day of the 2012 Blogathon, bloggers could choose to write on the same subject: “If I started blogging […]
Dear WordCount: How should I handle guest post offers?
This installment of the weekly freelance advice column discusses how to respond to unsolicited offers to write guest posts for your blog.
5 newbie mistakes I’d avoid if I started blogging today
It’s another Blogathon theme day, when everyone writing on the same thing. Our topic: If I started a blog today, what would I do differently? Here’s my answer.
8 reasons to join the BlogHer ad network
Becoming part of an online ad network is one way to earn money blogging. Here’s the scoop the popular women’s blog community as well as a few others.
Blogathon haiku day: Ring of fire
Today’s the day all #blog2012 bloggers are trying their hands at haiku, the 3 line Japanese poetry. Here’s mine, about yesterday’s eclipse.
Blogathon week 3 recap: Bloggers share mid-life reinventions on SecondAct
Entrepreneur Magazine’s website for people over 40 invited this year’s blogathon participates to write about their second acts. here are some of those stories.