The third annual WordCount Blogathon kicks off May 1, when writers from all over team up to blog every day for a month. Registration’s open – are you in?
Recommended reading for April 9, 2010
Sports Illustrated’s Richard Hoffer and other examples of great writing discovered during the week ending April 9, 2010.
Introducing InsideEdge, from American Express, Federated Media, and me
Announcing the editing project I’ve been working on since November – Inside Edge, a corporate finance news site from American Express and Federated Media.
WordCount Q&A: Marla Beck, life coach for writers
WordCount interviews life coach Marla Beck on obstacles writers make for themselves and how to overcome them – with or without outside help.
Recommended reading for April 3, 2010
To do good writing, read good writing. Recommended reading for April 3, 2010: Margaret Atwood, Susan Orlean and more.
Why I don’t write for free: $8,064 in 2009 business expenses
It takes money to make money. Last year I had $8,064 in business expenses – and this year my freelance writing work is booming because of it.