To do good writing, read good writing. Here’s the best of the good writing I’ve read this year:
On Fridays, I share links to the best reads I’ve found that week. In any given week, the list includes exceptionally well-written stories, plus pieces on writing basics or media industry trends writers should be aware of.
Here are my picks for the best writing I found during 2012:
Best Reads

The definition of a good read, and more
A good read is a story you can’t put down once you start. Examples shared in this post include a New York Times profile of style maven and TV host Stacy London.
‘Snow Fall’ and the future of digital storytelling
A New York Times story about a deadly avalanche in February 2012 near Washington state’s Stevens Pass ski resort comes the closest to anything I’ve seen to making good on the promise of digital storytelling.
Orange County Register’s Night Stalker update
Anniversary stories are a news industry staple. But just because they’re expected doesn’t have to mean they’re boring.
Michael Lewis interviews Obama, and why you just need to ask
The bestselling journalist’s idea to follow the POTUS around was so crazy it worked, leading to an insider’s view of the president’s life in Vanity Fair‘s October issue.
1st person writing
Writing in the 1st person is hard, but good writers make it look easy. One of them is Heidi Swift, a Portland freelance writer and cyclist who was part of a six-woman Reve Tour team that rode the Tour de France a day ahead the men.
Freelancing and Media Industry News
Best newspaper corrections of 2012
You only need to skim through the Regret the Error’s collection of best corrections of 2012 – or worst, depending on your perspective — to see just how many ways reporters can get things wrong.
By the numbers: Self publishing, freelance rates, and more
The cost of self publishing, how to calculate hourly rate, and how to lower your Alexa rank.
Jonah Lehrer and bad writer behavior
The science writer’s self-borrowing is a cautionary tale for freelancers and a good example of how not to work a beat, or a blog.
Don’t act like an old fart
Journalism educator Steve Buttry tells reporters to get with the 21st century.
Writing and Grammar Basics
William Zinsser and On Writing Well
Despite its age, this well-known manual is still relevant as a reference for what to do, and what to avoid, in all types of nonfiction writing.
‘Cutting for Stone’ author Abraham Verghese on writing
The Cutting for Stone author shares his writing credo during a Portland Literary Arts lecture.
Punctuation pet peeves
In honor of National Punctuation Day, my top 4 punctuation pet peeves.
Graduation-time inspiration for writers of all ages
You don’t need to be a new j-school graduate to appreciate inspirational tidbits from Sheryl Sandberg, Peter Shankman, Steve Jobs and others.
Getting too cozy with your subject
Eurogamer’s Rab Florence on the dangers of getting too close to the people you cover, and more good reads for writers from the past week.