Empty mailboxes, editing by committee and content sites, oh my! The top 10 things that scare freelancers.
The freelance multiple personality disorder
Scenes from a work day: 9 a.m. First call of day, with a trade magazine editor and old friend. Talk shop. Go over pitches for business features I sent earlier. Settle on a few, plus a special report story package. Discuss terms. Schedule due dates. I am a contributing editor. 10 a.m. Interview local quasi-celebrity […]
Are you a freelancer writer or journalist entrepreneur?
Shakespeare said a rose by any other any other name would smell as sweet. But did Shakespeare call himself a freelance writer or a poet? A hired pen, or a playwright? Not offense Shakespeare, but words matter. Today what writers call themselves matters more than ever because it sets the tone for how we perceive […]
A reporter's convention survival guide
If you write about business, health care or many other subjects, chances are at least once in a while you end up at a convention. Here’s my reporter’s convention survival guide.
Survey says: WordCount readers want advice, links & issues
WordCount readers have spoken. At last count, close to 65 of you chimed in on a poll I put up earlier this week asking what you’d like to read more of on WordCount: Freelancing in the Digital Age. Close to a third (28 percent) said you’re most interested in seeing stories about running a freelance […]
Coming soon – WordCount 2.0
Just as freelancers have to change to keep up with the times, WordCount does too. In short order, expect the blog to sport a new look as well as some revamped content and other additions.