Take this poll to make suggestions for making the next WordCount Blogathon month-long blogging challenge even better.
2011 Blogathon Wordle Day
For the last theme day of the 2011 Blogathon, 200+ bloggers are using the Wordle tag-cloud generator to depict what topics they write about as a word picture.
WordCount’s 101 top posts on writing, blogging & freelancing
It’s the ultimate Best of WordCount – a recap of my most popular posts ever on blogging, writing and running a freelance business.
This week’s blogathon recap: Bloggers’ favorite places to write
This week, 200+ bloggers taking part in the 2011 WordCount Blogathon shared their favorite places to write – some of their top picks may surprise you.
Recommended reading for May 27, 2011: the bad words edition
To do great writing, read great writing. Here’s the great writing I’ve been reading this week: Sometimes it feels like the world is swimming in bad writing. It’s everywhere – press releases, email, corporate memos, academic journals, scientific papers, lawsuits, government documents, textbooks, text messages, and on and on. So it’s comforting to know that […]
Dear WordCount: How should I choose a blog topic?
The latest installment of the Dear WordCount advice column for freelance writers tackles how to choose a subject for a blog.