Promote a blog, develop a character, track a subject – writers are using the hugely popular image-sharing site for all this and more. Read on to see how.
Registration for the 2012 WordCount Blogathon is now open
Sign ups are here for the 5th annual challenge to blog every day in May. It’s free, it’s fun, and if you go all the way, you could win blogging-related prizes.
Recommended reading for April 8: Don’t act like an old fart
Steve Buttry tells reporters to get with the 21st century and more news and advice on writing and the writing business from the past week.
Poll: What would make 2012 Blogathon even more fantastic?
Take this poll to help me decide what new features to add to my annual 31-day blogging challenge, which starts on May 1.
8 things I learned analyzing my yearly freelance writing expenses
It’s the time of year when the floor of my office is covered with bits of white paper, dinner and the dishes get neglected and my accountant wonders how close to April 15 it’ll get before he hears from me. Yep, it’s tax season. I’ve spent the last three days finishing tallying up my income […]
Spring break: 10 reasons I’m heading out of town
I’m outta here. I’m taking a spring break vacation – a whole week off from work. I practice yoga, and for the last class of every three-month session, my teacher Linda schedules a restorative practice. We work through a few active poses, then spend the majority of the class prone, propped up with bolsters, blankets and […]