Here’s a transcript of today’s blogathon wrap up chat, as well as a list of prize winners. Thanks to everyone who helped make this the best blogathon yet.
Celebration time: tune into the 2012 Blogathon wrap party
Share what you loved and learned about this year’s May blogging challenge on our Twitter chat today 6/1 at 10 a.m. Pacific time. Use #blog2012 to join the fun.
Dear WordCount: How do I join a Twitter chat?
In honor of the blogathon, this month my Thursday advice columns are all on blogging related questions. Today’s: taking part in a live chat on Twitter.
Monthly writer chat moves to June 1 for blogathon wrap party
My regular last Wednesday of the month writer chat is moving to Friday 6/1 to celebrate the end of the blogathon. See you @ 10 am PDT. Use #blog2012 to join us.
8 more blog advertising networks (that aren’t BlogHer)
Following up last week’s post about the BlogHer Publishing Network, here’s info on 8 more blog ad networks, plus advice for finding the right one for your blog.
Here’s what WordCount blog themes look like as a tag cloud
This word cloud generator turns the text of your choosing into a picture. This Wordle shows the blog post tags I’ve used the most often in the past 30 days.