This week’s highlights from the freelance and digital news biz: HuffPost invests in investigative news – Everybody’s favorite we-don’t-pay-contributors news aggregator Website is turning over a new leaf, big time. The The Huffington Post is launching an investigative news team with a $1.75 million starter budget and advice from well-known online news guru and NYU […]
Freelance 101: Getting started as an independent writer
Congratulations new freelancer. While this might not be the best time to join the ranks of independently employed writers, we realize you may not have had much of a choice. But when it comes to how you conduct your freelance business, you do have lots of choices. Well, OK, maybe not as many choices as […]
WordCount online media news for week of March 27
Online media business highlights of the past week: A group of reporters displaced when Denver’s Rocky Mountain News folded have started an online-only news outfit called The basic news service will be free, with subscriptions available for interactive features. While community news ventures like, newspaper companies and other online entrepreneurs continue to explore […]
5 easy ways to add value to your freelance business
Right now the freelance market is crammed with laid off writers, editors and other creative types trying their hand at self employment. With so much supply, it’s important to stand out. One way to do that is by offering some added value to work you perform for existing and new clients. What’s added value? It’s […]
The use and abuse of Twitter to flog your blog
Twitter users fall into one of three categories: people who use it only to promote their blogs, people who sometimes use it to promote their blogs, and people who never had a blog or dumped theirs because all they want to do is hang out on Twitter. Which camp are you in? Plenty of Twitter […]'s great online news experiment
Tuesday was the last day the Seattle Post Intelligencer published a print newspaper. Starting today, the 146-year-old Seattle daily goes online only. The print edition of the paper folded after Hearst Corp. determined the company couldn’t afford to continue running the money-losing paper as is. So they pulled the plug. Rather, they plugged in. Hearst […]