While I’m recovering from running the 2013 Blogathon, please enjoy these posts, which were the most popular that ran on WordCount during the month of June:
Ready, set, go! The 2013 Blogathon is here – As usual during Blogathon months, my posts on the annual blogging challenge were the most popular of anything else I wrote.
#blog2013 by the numbers: Fascinating facts about people who do daily blogging challenges – I love numbers, so I crunched Blogathon registration numbers to come up with some interesting trends among bloggers who signed up for this year’s event – lots of beginning bloggers!
Making a personal subject appeal to the masses – The most successful bloggers take a personal subject and give it universal appeal. Here are some great examples from bloggers in the 2013 Blogathon.
30 days of blog post ideas – OK, I’m cheating a little with this one because technically it ran on the second to the last day in May. But I didn’t do a best-of roundup for that month, so I’m including it here.
Help! I can’t write daily blog posts – Oh, yes you can, if you use some of these tricks of the blogging trade.
My 5 favorie apps for writing and blogging – I’m all for anything that helps make my job easier, including software tools that keep me organized and help me avoid procrastinating.
Oregonian to cut daily delivery, jobs, in big digital-first makeover – My coverage of the Oregonian’s move to be a digital-first newsroom, including newsroom layoffs and cutting home delivery to four days a week, was a top post here this month.
Why you need to take blogging seriously, Oregonian layoffs, and more – The Oregonian’s conversion to a digital-first news outlet shows why writers – whether on staff or freelance – need to know the fundamentals of blogging and other forms of web writing.
How freelancers can break into content marketing – Thanks to freelance writer Jennifer Gregory for this guest post explaining what content marketing is, why writers should care, and how they can get in on the action.
How to use Vizify to create an interactive resume in a few minutes – This cool web-based tool turns your social media accounts into a slideshow-style resume.
I love Blogathon ….regards pedro jose pliester