Freelance writer and author Jackie Dishner explains what she’s gotten out of the annual blogging challenge, and how it could help your blog too.
Tune in for the Blogathon kick off chat on April 25
This month’s Twitter chat for writers is the kick-off discussion for the annual WordCount Blogathon that starts may 1. Considering it? Join us at 10 am Pacific.
2012 Blogathon events: chats, theme days, guest posts & more
The official calendar for the annual blogging challenge that start on May 1. Use this list to plan a month’s worth of posts.
Registration for the 2012 WordCount Blogathon is now open
Sign ups are here for the 5th annual challenge to blog every day in May. It’s free, it’s fun, and if you go all the way, you could win blogging-related prizes.
Poll: What would make 2012 Blogathon even more fantastic?
Take this poll to help me decide what new features to add to my annual 31-day blogging challenge, which starts on May 1.