WordCount readers have spoken. At last count, close to 65 of you chimed in on a poll I put up earlier this week asking what you’d like to read more of on WordCount: Freelancing in the Digital Age. Close to a third (28 percent) said you’re most interested in seeing stories about running a freelance […]
Coming soon – WordCount 2.0
Just as freelancers have to change to keep up with the times, WordCount does too. In short order, expect the blog to sport a new look as well as some revamped content and other additions.
WordCount lands on list of top 10 blogs for writers
WordCount: Freelancing in the Digital Age was named to Writing White Papers’ list of Top 10 Blogs for Writers for 2009-10.
WordCount makes top blogs for writers contest finalist cut
I’m happy to announce WordCount is a finalist in the Writing White Papers blog’s 2009 top 10 blogs for writers awards. This year, finalists were chosen from more than 300 nominations. The contest, run by copywriting guru Michael Stelzner, picks winners based on quality, content and frequency of posts, reader involvement and Technorati ranking. Winners […]
Freelance tribes
When I went freelance, not only did I lose my full-time paycheck, I lost my tribe. Instead of being part of a pack of 300, suddenly I was on my own – at least that’s what it felt like at the time.
First v. best
Is it better to be first with a story, or best?