A list of popular sources for free and low-cost photos suitable for using in blog posts.
8 great groups for freelancers and other writers
My picks for organizations – online or off – independent writers need to know about. Got your own favorites? Add them to the list by leaving a comment.
Guest post: Cool tools & more at 2011 Digital Journalism Camp
In this guest post, reporter Bill Lascher shares the tech tools and digital media tips he picked up at the recent 2011 Digital Journalism Camp in Portland.
6 reasons your blog is begging for a ‘Greatest Hits’ page
Running a list of your best-ever posts is great for driving traffic or introducing yourself to new readers. Read on for more reasons and how to create your own.
Recommended reading for writers for June 10: content curation
A run down of stories on curation tools that writers can use to aggregate and share news and other information.
Dear WordCount: How long should a blog post be?
The proper length for a post depends on what you’re writing about and what you have to say. It also helps to maintain a mix of long and short.