Tune in today at 10 a.m. Pacific time for the latest edition of the WordCount Last Wednesday chat for writers, bloggers & other freelancers.
Sept. 28 #wclw chat – How to get more blog comments
On the Sept. 28 chat, we’ll share tips for picking up more blog comments, and what to do when the feedback you get isn’t what you wanted. Join us at 10 a.m. PT.
Recommended reading for Sept. 23: mislabeled freelancers
To do good writing, read good writing. Here’s the good writing I’ve been reading this week: Feds, states will work together to halt wage violations (Minneapolis Star Tribune and The Associated Press) – Nine states and the Internal Revenue Service are teaming up with the U.S. Labor Department to target employers who mislabel workers as independent contractors […]
Dear WordCount: What should freelancers wear to work?
The latest installment of the Dear WordCount advice column looks at what’s best, dressing to impress or blending in with interview subjects.
Back to basics: A 10-step freelance story workflow guide
This assignment workflow guide charts every step of the writing process, from getting a “Yes, we love the idea, please do it!” to depositing a big, fat check.
5 ways to earn a full-time income freelancing part-time
Long-time freelancer Gretchen Roberts shares secrets from her new book for maximizing productivity – and profits – from a part-time writing schedule.