A long-time author and book development editor explains the importance of creating a book proposal — even if you’re self-publishing. Read more.
#blog2013 by the numbers: Fascinating facts about people who do daily blog challenges
A behind the scenes look at this year’s WordCount Blogathon bloggers to see who’s crazy enough to post every day for a month – and why they’re doing it.
How to write fast
Deadlines piling up, or maybe you just need to make time to do a blog post every day? Here’s how to speed up your writing.
Ready, set go: the 2013 WordCount Blogathon is here!
A list of the 210+ bloggers in this year’s month-long blogging challenge — categorized by topic.
2013 WordCount Blogathon raffle prizes and sponsors list
Everyone who posts all 30 days in June is eligible to win one of approx. $1,200 in writing and blogging prizes donated by sponsors of this year’s event.
30 days worth of blog post ideas
Congratulations on signing up to post on your blog every day for a month. Oh wait, that means you have to post every day for a month. Want help? Read this.