In the latest installment of the Dear WordCount advice column, a new blogger wonders why someone added her to their blogroll, and what she should do about it.
Blogging tips from the 2011 ASJA writer’s conference
You don’t need to be a professional writer to act on this blogging advice from the 2011 American Society of Journalists and Authors writer’s conference.
2011 Blogathon haiku theme day
Today in the 2011 WordCount Blogathon we’re writing haiku. Check back on Saturday, when I’ll share some examples in my weekly #blog2011 round up.
Guest post: making time to write fiction
In a guest post, Portland, Ore., author and journalist Jennifer Willis shares suggestions for carving out time to write novels and other fiction.
Best of WordCount: how to get more comments on your blog
On Sundays during the WordCount Blogathon, I’m re-running popular posts on subjects readers ask for. Today: how to get more comments on blog posts.
2011 Blogathon roundup: our favorite books
Earlier this week, many of the 200 bloggers participating in the 2011 WordCount Blogathon wrote about their favorite books. Here are some highlights.