Using Evernote to get organized, growing your blog, proofreading hints, writing tips from J.K. Rowling and other top WordCount posts from the past month. Enjoy!
Good reads for Sept. 28: Punctuation pet peeves, and more
In honor of National Punctuation Day, my top 4 punctuation pet peeves; plus good reads from Amy Wallace, and more.
10 things J.K. Rowling taught me about writing
As the Harry Potter author’s first novel for adults, The Casual Vacancy, debuts today, it’s a good time to revisit what writers can learn from her writing style.
Transcript of Sept. 26 #wclw chat on building your blog’s readership & traffic
Complete transcript of today’s WordCount Last Wednesday chat with online marketing expert Russ Henneberry on how to boost your blog’s followers and traffic.
Reminder: #wclw chat today @ 10 am PDT on building your blog
In today’s WordCount Last Wednesday chat, we’re hear how a few simple SEO and design tricks can boost your blog’s followers and traffic.
Top 20 online news highlights from #ONA12 conference
Trends, tools and techniques curated from the country’s biggest gathering of online media practitioners, held Sept. 21-22, 2012, in San Francisco.