At 21, Steven Walling has accomplished what some writers twice his age are still trying to figure out: how to make a living as a digital freelancer. Despite his youth, Walling took a very old fashioned path to get where he is today. Fresh out of high school, he took whatever paid writing work he […]
New ways to use LinkedIn to find story sources
Twitter may get all the press right now, but if you write about business or need experts in any number of areas – medicine, careers, government – you can’t beat LinkedIn, the business online network with more than 40 million members, for finding story sources. Here are some of my favorite ways to use LinkedIn […]
Freelance link love for week of May 17
Here’s what I’m reading this week. First, from my fellow bloggers participating in the 2nd Annual WordCount Blogathon: Organization. It’s an art, really. – Tips for work and life from freelance writer Danielle Buffardi’s blog, Horrible Sanity. Partner with others – Nobody said writing had to be a solitary pursuit. Sometimes it helps to have […]
Best of WordCount: Oregon edition
I live and work in Portland, Oregon, and this weekend’s Best of WordCount is dedicated to the area’s burgeoning media community: Can the techies save the news? – If the scene at the recent BarCampPortland III meet up was any indication, that could very well be the case. The Smalltown News – Small newspapers are […]
Digital media business news recap for week of May 15
The week’s highlights from the freelance world and digital media business: Standing up for writers – Today is the 2nd Annual Writers Worth Day. Lori Widmer, a Valley Forge, Pa., writer, dreamed up the campaign to help writers and other freelancers do a better job negotiating fees and standing up themselves. I’m down with that. […]
Penelope Trunk makes me crazy, but I have to read her blog
Penelope Trunk is a nut case, but she’s a smart nut case. Penelope Trunk has a blog, book and company called Brazen Careerist. I have never seen her in person or interviewed her on the phone.* I have no idea how she is as a CEO, mom, daughter or ex-wife. But this I do know. […]