There’s more to life than work, even for the self-employed. Go on a picnic. Take a bike ride. Hike through the woods. Enjoy the day. WordCount will be back tomorrow.
Freelance link love for week of May 24
Here’s what I’ve been reading about freelancing, writing and the online news business I’ve been reading this week: On writing: How do you learn to write – From a literary agent, writer and book editor. 5 tips for citizen journalism from ProPublica’s new ‘crowdsorcerer’ 16 things you learn in j-school – Journalism basics You don’t […]
A WordCount blogroll update
I’m using the blogathon and the holiday weekend as motivation to do some blog housekeeping – all the better to avoid the real housekeeping I should be doing. I’ve been working on my blogroll, which has been neglected for too long. The great thing about a blogroll is you can make it anything you want […]
Counterpoint: Yes, freelancers should write for Helium
Yesterday, long-time freelancers Tim Beyers wrote a guest post here explaining why freelancers shouldn’t write for content aggregators, and he singled out Helium as an example. His post prompted Barbara Whitlock, Helium’s new member outreach manager, to reply. Instead of burying what Whitlock had to say in the comments under Beyers’ post (where you can […]
Freelancers, do not write for content aggregators
Today is Guest Post Day in the 2nd annual WordCount Blogathon, so give a big WordCount welcome to Tim Beyers, a Colorado freelancer and Motley Fool writer who’s filling in for me here. You’ll find me over on Tim’s blog, The Social Writer, talking about my favorite online hangouts for writers. By Tim Beyers Content […]
How do writers squeeze more money out of their work?
One of my income goals for 2009 is increasing earnings from alternative revenue sources, such as sales of reprints or blog posts I repurpose into ebooks or revenue from teaching classes, training or mentoring – basically anything I’m not creating entirely from scratch. During 2008, my passive income amounted to less than 1 percent of […]