Best posts of the past 12 months on writing and blogging basics, running a freelance writing business, tech tools for writers and more.
Blogathon haiku day: Ring of fire
Today’s the day all #blog2012 bloggers are trying their hands at haiku, the 3 line Japanese poetry. Here’s mine, about yesterday’s eclipse.
Dear WordCount: how do I run guest posts on my blog?
Today’s advice column answers questions about guest posts, self-hosted WordPress blogs and finding images for posts (without running into copyright trouble).
Dear WordCount: Now that I joined the Blogathon, how do I…….?
During May, this periodic advice column will answer questions about blogging and social media basics posed by people participating in the WordCount Blogathon.
The 2012 Blogathon blog roll – the who’s who of this year’s blogging challenge
A list of the 250 bloggers in the 2012 WordCount Blogathon, including the name, URL and description of each. Participants can re-post this to their own sites.
Reminder: Blogathon chat today at 10 am Pacific time
This month’s writer chat doubles the kick-off discussion for 2012 WordCount Blogathon, which starts may 1. Considering it? Join us today at 10 am Pacific.