Is work messing with your life? Join the next #wclw chat when life coach Marla Beck discusses how writers can achieve work/life balance. 3/30 at 10 a.m. PST.
When everything on your plate is a priority
As the economy picks up and we writers get more offers of assignments, nobody has the heart to say no to work. So how do you decide what to do first?
WordCount Repeats: 5 reasons freelancers need vacations
While I’m away from the keyboard this week, I’m re-running a handful of posts that didn’t get the attention – or web traffic – they deserved the first time around. I’ll return with fresh insights on the business of writing next week. – Michelle Rafter Don’t underestimate the power of a good vacation. I just […]
Freelance link love, for Friday, May 30
Here’s what I’ve been reading this week: The Editor Unleashed The Editor Unleashed Guide to Good Blogging – Good advice from the former editor of Writer’s Digest. The Huffington Post 13 tips for actually getting some writing done The Urban Muse I Said, He Said, We Said – Picking a point of view for your […]
To stay fresh, take a mental break between writing deadlines
It’s hard to jump straight from writing “The End” on one assignment to “Once upon a time” on the next. Sometimes you need a mental break in between, even if it’s a short one. Think of it as a palate cleanser between courses. I recharge the old writing batteries by doing a quick activity between […]
WordCount weekly news wrap up for Jan. 31
Is it just me, or does it seem like there’s a uptick in the stories and blog posts on the evolution of the news business and the role independents – writers and others – are playing in it? The sputtering economy is speeding up the pace of change. Here are some developments of interest from […]