I’m happy to announce WordCount is a finalist in the Writing White Papers blog’s 2009 top 10 blogs for writers awards. This year, finalists were chosen from more than 300 nominations. The contest, run by copywriting guru Michael Stelzner, picks winners based on quality, content and frequency of posts, reader involvement and Technorati ranking. Winners […]
The race to the bottom
Do you focus on the lowest-common denominator freelance gigs that are easier to come by and easier to write but pay less and have a heck of a lot more competition vying for the opportunity? Or do you aim higher, going for the tougher assignments that are harder to land, harder to complete but pay more too?
Think big
Major media companies are working to beat the recession by repackaging what they do to get more customers – and freelance writers can too. You don’t even have to think of innovations yourself. Just copy what the big boys are doing.
First v. best
Is it better to be first with a story, or best?
WordCount Repeats: 7 steps to cutting a story that's too long
While I’m away from my keyboard this week, I’m re-running a few posts that didn’t get the attention – or web traffic – they deserved the first time around. I’ll return with fresh insights on the business of writing next week. – Michelle Rafter Some stories take on a life of their own and before […]
WordCount Repeats: Handle rewrites without wanting to kill yourself or your editor
While I’m away from my keyboard this week, I’m re-running a few posts that didn’t get the attention – or web traffic – they deserved the first time around. I’ll return with fresh insights on the business of writing next week. – Michelle Rafter Rewrites aren’t one of my list of favorite work-related activities. In […]