You can’t control the economy or which client could be the next to stop making assignments. In the face of so much uncertainty, it’s easy to feel helpless, especially when your livelihood depends on the circumstances of others. But between doing nothing and feeling helpless and doing something, I vote for doing something. Here are […]
Writing advice from William Zinsser’s classic, On Writing Well
Zinsser’s advice to write tight and bright hasn’t aged. Read more of my favorite tips from this widely-loved style manual.
Analyzing freelance writing income: the case for diversifying
I mapped out trends in my freelance writing business for 2014 – here’s what I learned.
To write for business pubs, be a team player
Trade magazines and b2b publications can be tough to break into, but can lead to ongoing, lucrative work. Here’s what to know.
25 practical, productive things freelancers can do when everyone else is on vacation
Use other people’s time off to get a jump on your own business. Here’s how.
Let your beliefs guide your writing strategy
In this excerpt from her book, Dojo Wisdom for Writers, 2nd edition, Jennifer Lawler talks about letting your passion drive your writing practice.