What you’re reading marks the 100th post on this blog, WordCount, which I started as an easy and free way to post my resume and clips online where prospective editors could see them. Very quickly it evolved into a continuing examination of how online media is changing the business of freelance writing. I did a […]
If you like blogging every day, try NaBloPoMo
I wish I’d heard of Eden Marriott Kennedy a month ago. Kennedy is the creator of National Blog Post Month or NaBloPoMo for short, a Website for people who’ve taken up the challenge of blogging every day. That should sounds familiar to regular readers of this blog, which I took through my own blogathon during […]
The art of the link
If you’re a writer and you work online, you need to know how to write a lead, nut graph, headline, deck – and how to link. Linking means including live Web addresses or URLs in your story to information related to whatever it is you’re writing about. The art of the link is in putting […]
How to be a blog star – take a class or teach yourself
Want to start a blog but aren’t sure how to get started? One way is to take a class. Another is to teach yourself. Mediabistro.com is offering three new, short classes on starting a writing-related blog as part of its Crash Course series of mini-seminars. Classes are online and on demand, so you sign up […]
WordCount Blog: 2008 Q1 Report
I’m taking a cue from public companies and issuing a quarterly report on this blog. I started WordCount as a New Year’s resolution, so the end of March marked the end of my first quarter as a blogger. Here are some highlights: Readership – More people are discovering the blog. Page views grew exponentially over […]
10 Reasons Every Freelance Writer Should Have a Blog
I took to blogging fairly quickly and I finally figured out why. I wrote a weekly newspaper column for more than five years. After that, I wrote a weekly column for Reuters, the financial wire service, for seven years. After a dozen years, writing something once a week – or more – was so second […]