How often do you check your blog stats? Once a week? A day? An hour? I’ve been known to obsess over blog traffic, especially if I’ve written something I think is especially profound and want to make sure the whole world shares my opinion. Checking your blog’s traffic stats is actually quite useful, and not […]
WordCount recommended reading for Nov. 6
A roundup of my favorite blog posts on journalism, writing and freelancing from the week of Nov. 2-6, 2009.
Best of WordCount: The Collector’s Edition
WordCount’s Best of WordCount page has 30+ of the award-winning freelance writing blog’s most popular posts, covering writing, the freelance business, and more.
My favorite freelance technology innovation: Track Changes
Care to guess what freelance technology innovation I could not live without? It’s not Twitter or even Microsoft Outlook. It’s the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word.
When good enough is good enough
I was stuck on not having perfect. Instead of going with what I had, I stalled out, waiting for inspiration to strike, or enough time to materialize on my calendar to write the whole damn thing over again.
A reporter's convention survival guide
If you write about business, health care or many other subjects, chances are at least once in a while you end up at a convention. Here’s my reporter’s convention survival guide.