I’m outta here. I’m taking a spring break vacation – a whole week off from work. I practice yoga, and for the last class of every three-month session, my teacher Linda schedules a restorative practice. We work through a few active poses, then spend the majority of the class prone, propped up with bolsters, blankets and […]
Recommended reading for March 23: Gawker experiments, MacArthur rants
The online gossip mag plays with traffic grabbing stories, Harper’s publisher goes after “content wants to be free” and more media news highlights of the week.
Hot stuff: how freelancers can break into romance writing
The acquisitions editor for Adams Media’s new romance imprint explains how freelancers can break into this spicy staple. First and foremost – do your homework!
5 strategies for reviving your freelance marketing plan
Frustrated with what you’re trying to drum up new business? Guest blogger Lori Widmer share tips for getting more from your promotional efforts.
Leap Day Feb. 29 #wclw chat – your big fat freelance juggle
Find out how other freelancers balance work and life in today’s WordCount Last Wednesday writer chat. 10 am PST. Be there! #wclw
5 lessons for freelancers from the 2012 Oscars
From silent film winners to (possible) wardrobe malfunctions, what writers can learn from this year’s Academy Awards.