Behind-the-scenes on Broadway, the reality of covering a war, the six-figure blogger and more of this week’s good reads for writers.
Should I let a group reprint my blog posts to help promote my e-book?
This installment of my weekly writing advice column looks at when it might make sense to let an organization re-run your work for free.
The ultimate guide to blogging challenges
Everything you need to know about the most popular blogging challenges, including 30-day, weekly and ongoing events.
Top June 2013 posts on blogging and writing
Here are the 10 most popular posts that ran on WordCount during June, in case you missed them the first time around.
6 Ways to Defend Your Blog Copyright
Web guru Ron Doyle shares simple steps to stop scrapers, mooches and web villains from stealing your content and protect your blog copyright.
Congratulations to 2013 Blogathon raffle prize winners
A list of winners of $1,200 in raffle prizes given away in the 2013 Blogathon. Thanks again to sponsors of the event!