Three freelance parenting writers figured out how to make new money from old queries by collaborating on an e-book of 16 queries that had landed them assignments with magazines such as Real Simple and Redbook.
It pays freelancers to find wiggle room in exclusivity clauses
Given what’s happening in the media business, freelancers can’t afford to cultivate an exclusive relationship with one newspaper or magazine. Actually, an exclusive relationship would be sweet – think of all those letters of introduction you’d avoid having to do and the time you’d save. But unless you’re under contract at The New Yorker – […]
15 blogs I read (almost) every day
Here are the 15 blogs I read almost every day.
Once a source, always a source
Over the years, I’ve prided myself in my source list. A friend and former co-worker still talks about the extensive list of contacts I left when she took over my newspaper beat while I went on maternity leave.
A little something on the side
Is it just me, or does it seem like these days everybody’s got a job and a little something on the side? Here in Portland, examples are everywhere: A local PR guy moonlights as the Silicon Florist, chronicler of the city’s tech start up scene. A photographer is helping organize WordCamp Portland, the annual gathering […]
The reckoning
How bad are times for freelance writers? After calculating my expected earnings for the first half of 2009, my conclusion is: bad, but not as bad as it could be.