A roundup of my favorite blog posts on journalism, writing and freelancing from the week of Nov. 2-6, 2009.
That buzz you hear is writers working on new projects
Everywhere I turn these days, I’m running into writers quietly working on new projects – it’s my best indicator the economy’s getting better.
Lisa Stone on BlogHer: The women’s blog network comes into its own
Four-year-old BlogHer has become so successful it now competes with some of the largest women’s magazine publishers for Fortune 500 advertising dollars and will “quite likely” be profitable for the first time in 2010.
Business is on the road to recovery, and so is the business news
While I buy into the fact that the print business press has suffered what might be a fatal blow, it’s not the end of the world for business reporting.
Best of WordCount: The Collector’s Edition
WordCount’s Best of WordCount page has 30+ of the award-winning freelance writing blog’s most popular posts, covering writing, the freelance business, and more.
Trick or treat: 10 things that scare freelancers
Empty mailboxes, editing by committee and content sites, oh my! The top 10 things that scare freelancers.