If I’m honest with myself, I’m not a ghostwriter, I’m a ghost rewriter. As a someone who gets paid to put words in other people’s mouths, I spend a lot of time going back and forth about exactly what those words should be. It involves a lot of revisions as I help the authors I […]
The Pulitzer Prize and the Hungry Horse News
As winners of the news industry’s major annual prize are announced today, it’s a good time to remember the important role of local newspapers, then and now.
11 things to do in a recession
You can’t control a virus, the economy, or which client could be the next to stop making assignments. In the face of so much uncertainty, it’s easy to feel helpless, especially when your livelihood depends on the circumstances of others. But between doing nothing and feeling helpless and doing something, I vote for doing something. […]
Twitter’s a Dumpster Fire, But I Can’t Not Use It
It’s not the best time to expound on Twitter’s benefits for writers. The hot takes on journalists’ ill-informed initial tweets about the Covington Catholic video are still sizzling. The day I wrote this, New York Times technology reporter turned opinion writer Farhad Manjoo wrote that Twitter: “prizes image over substance and cheap dunks over reasoned […]
The No. 1 easiest way to get paid more
It’s not hard, all you have to do is ask.
25 ideas for daily blog posts
Follow these tips and you’ll never have to wonder, “OMG, what am I going to write about today?”