In case you missed them the first time, here are the blog posts that generated the most buzz during the past month:
The ultimate guide to blogging challenges – Everything you need to know about participating in blogging challenges, including 30-day, weekly and ongoing events.
What I learned running a daily blogging challenge for 6 years – Bloggers who get the most out of blogging challenges like the WordCount Blogathon plan for it, just like athletes training for a race.
1,000 posts & counting: Long-time bloggers share milestones, advice – Three long-time bloggers share their most popular posts, personal favorites, and advice to anyone wanting to follow in their footsteps.
Blog Stories: More bloggers who’ve made it to 1,000 posts tell all – More bloggers who’ve hit the 1,000-post mark share their stories.
5 free image sources to pack blog posts with visual punch – Forget boring stock photos. You can come up with creative ways to illustrate blog posts with some imagination, research, and digging, as Ellen Girardeau Kempler explains.
Why every blog post needs an email subscription opt-in box – Want an easy way to build a mailing list? Put an email subscription opt-in box on every post. Blogging expert Jeremy Page explains all.
Should I let a group reprint my blog posts to help promote my e-book? – This installment of my weekly writing advice column looks at when it might make sense to let an organization re-run your work for free.
Love lists? You’ll love these lists from famous authors and artists – A Smithsonian Institute exhibit shares one-of-a-kind lists from Picasso, Calder and others.
Dear WordCount: What should I pay a proofreader? – I revised this previously published column to include updated information about fees and where to find proofreaders.
Good quotes, bad headlines, freelancing survey, and more – A great quote can make a story, while a bad headline can keep you from reading one.
[© Photo by Michelle V. Rafter]