An story idea that I almost didn’t pitch ended up a hit. Here’s how it went down – another example of why you should always trust your reporter’s instincts.
Recommended reading for Sept. 2: The Freelance Surge
Freelancers Union founder Sara Horowitz on the rise of the indie working class, and other articles on writing and the media business from the past week.
Writing….it don’t come easy
Whoever said writing’s simple is lying.
ONA ’11, BlogHer Writers Confab & other fall writer training
Freelancers and bloggers looking to improve their skills can choose from a plethora of fall conferences and classes. Here are some highlights.
Recommended reading for writers for Aug. 19
To do great writing, read great writing. Here’s the great writing I’ve been reading this week: It’s been five days since I got back from vacation and between blogging here and at SecondAct, and doing umpteen loads of laundry (read this post if you want to know why), I’ve been catching up on what’s happening […]
More on producing winning whitepapers: editing and design
The second installment in a series on producing whitepapers covers the steps involved in getting a whitepaper written, edited and designed.