Freelance writers, use these 5 simple steps to come up with new angles on subjects you cover a lot – your editor will thank you!
National Punctuation Day: grammar guides & other recommended reading for Sept. 24
In honor of National Punctuation Day, here’s a list of print and online grammar and punctuation resources that writers of all genres should know about.
Recommended reading for writers for Sept. 10
Jonathan Franzen and Jean Auel discuss their work, and other recommended reading for writers for the week of Sept. 10, 2010.
The new freelance lexicon: 12 words you need to know
Thanks to online media, the language writers use has changed along with the rest of our profession. Here are a 12 words to know from the new freelance lexicon.
Recommended reading for June 18, 2010: humor writing
From The Oatmeal to McSweeney’s, my recommended reading for the week ending June 18, 2010, is all about being funny.
Around the Blogathon: good reads from May 1-7
Reviews of BlogSaladBlog, Out and Employed, About English Idioms and other blogs taking part in the 2010 WordCount Blogathon.