Inspiring quotes from bloggers in the 2013 WordCount Blogathon on what they’ve learned about planning, blog mechanics, what makes a good post, and more.
Around the Blogathon: Making a personal subject appeal to the masses
It is possible to make blogging on a personal subject attractive to a broad readership, as these bloggers in the 2013 WordCount Blogathon show.
Help! I can’t write daily blog posts
Answers to your questions about daily blog posts, WordPress font sizes, and turning posts into pages.
Use your blog to get clients for corporate writing work
Editor’s note: — Michelle * * * By Susan B. Weiner, CFA <a href=”“>Susan Weiner</a> Blogging can be a great way for writers to attract corporate clients. My Investment Writing blog has helped spread my name among prospective clients. Based on personal experience, I have developed a three-part approach to using a blog for marketing. […]
How to add video to a blog post
Adding video to a blog post isn no great mystery, as I explain in this short clip. Watch and learn.
Blogathon Week 1: Three cheers for 1 blogger who’s done all 6 daily blogging challenges
It’s not easy to post every day for a month — but one faithful blogger has done it six years in a row. Read on to find out who.