The next WordCount Last Wednesday chat takes place Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 10 a.m. PST. The subject: time management for writers. Join us on Twitter at #wclw.
Freelance writing is no job for wimps
Self-employed writers need tenacity and a thick skin. If you can ask anyone anything and not stop until you get an answer, welcome to the club.
Guest post: Update office tech to minimize clutter
In this guest post, frugal living expert Leah Ingram shares tips for updating home office equipment and clearing clutter from her new book, “Toss, Keep, Sell!”
Recommended reading for Feb. 11: AOL-HuffPo roundup
What Jay Rosen, Paid Content, the LA Times and others have to say about AOL’s $315 million deal to buy Huffington Post means for writers.
Writers react to AOL-HuffPost deal: now what?
Lost in coverage of AOL’s $315 million deal for Huffington Post is where it leaves the writers and bloggers who create all their content. What’s in it for them?
Writing basics: the deck
The latest in a WordCount occasional series on writing basics looks at the deck. A headline with no deck is like an unfinished building: a frame but no details.