Trouble at NPR, layoffs at AOL, tools for curating news and inspiration from food writer Monica Bhide – all recommended reading for writers for March 11, 2011.
10 ways writers can get the most out of Twitter
Journalists can use the microblogging network to crowdsource, build buzz for a story and a lot more. Read how.
WordCount Q&A: Michael Andersen on publishing Portland Afoot
What does it take to run a one-person local news website? Find out in this interview with the journalist founder of Portland’s magazine for the “low-car life.”
Recommended reading for March 4, 2011
Beth Howard, Facebook changes, advice from Chris Brogan and Seth Godin and more recommended reading for writers for March 4, 2011.
Writers’ 6 top tech tools for getting work done
Successful freelance writers stay on task by using the following Web browser add ons, cloud-based programs and smartphone apps.
Recommended reading for Feb. 25, 2011
Google’s content farm buster, apps for writers, brand journalists and other recommended reading for writers for Feb. 25, 2011.