Tried and true strategies for getting deadbeat clients to pay up.
How writers can survive (and work) during a storm
In this guest post, writer Patrick J. Kiger shares the systems he’s put in place to make sure disasters like #sandy don’t knock out his ability to work.
Caught in the storm: Writers weigh in on making it through Sandy
A popular Jersey Shore blogger, ASJA’s executive director, and other writers share how they weathered Superstorm Sandy.
65+ apps for writers
Check out this public Twitter list of more than 65 apps for writers that covers everything from file storage to self-publishing. Like it? Subscribe to the list.
Top10 WordCount posts from October 2012
Top freelance writing posts from the past 30 days include tips on word counts, blogging rates, promoting your business, using mind mapping and more.
Reminder: #wclw chat today @ 10 am PT on freelance horror stories
Trick or treat! Join us for the #wclw writer chat today at 10 a.m. Pacific time where we’ll share our scariest freelance horror stories.