Editor’s note: — Michelle * * * By Susan B. Weiner, CFA <a href=”https://plus.google.com/u/0/106084241393019409250/?rel=author“>Susan Weiner</a> Blogging can be a great way for writers to attract corporate clients. My Investment Writing blog has helped spread my name among prospective clients. Based on personal experience, I have developed a three-part approach to using a blog for marketing. […]
How to add video to a blog post
Adding video to a blog post isn no great mystery, as I explain in this short clip. Watch and learn.
A writers’ guide to getting the most out of Twitter
New to Twitter? Here’s a quick rundown of what it is and how writers and bloggers can use it.
Blogathon Week 1: Three cheers for 1 blogger who’s done all 6 daily blogging challenges
It’s not easy to post every day for a month — but one faithful blogger has done it six years in a row. Read on to find out who.
Writers and bloggers, you are what you read
You can’t expect to become a better writer – or blogger – if you don’t read.
Dear WordCount: Your 2013 Blogathon blogging questions answered
Answers to your questions about blogging, guest post exchanges, the 2013 Blogathon and more.