Susan Johnston, the freelance writer also known by her nom de blog, The Urban Muse, writes about social bookmarking sites in a guest post on Freelance Writing Jobs, another nifty blog for writers. Johnston uses, a popular social bookmarking site, to access her bookmarks from anywhere, to keep track of research for articles she’s […]
Tofani proves freelancers can have an impact
Who says freelance writers can’t make a difference? Loretta Tofani has. On May 8, Tofani received the $25,000 Michael Kelly Award for a series investigating unsafe working conditions in China that she wrote as a freelancer for the Salt Lake Tribune. She was one of four journalists nominated for the prize and the only freelancer. […]
"The current period in journalism is….historic."
If you’re old enough, you remember when reporters wrote stories on IBM Selectric typewriters. Switching to a PC was huge. Well, that’s nothing compared with the changes happening in the news business now. Print is out. Digital is in. Newspapers are suffering, online publications flourishing. While some people lament these changes, others see opportunity. One […]
Tips for improving traffic to your freelance blog
A common question for freelancers with blogs is how to increase traffic. It’s a great question – and I’m the first to admit I don’t have a lot of answers. I’m slowly building traffic to this site by: ¤ Posting a message on the online bulletin board of the freelance writer group I belong to […]
WordCount blogathon update
May 7 UPDATE: I’ve added 1 last freelance writer blog to the blogathon list, bringing the total to 23, or 24 counting me. MVR The WordCount May blogathon is six days old and I’m excited to say that 22 freelance writers have taken up the challenge of blogging every day this month. A few signed […]
You are what you read
They say you are what you eat. I say, you are what you read. If you want to be a reporter, you have to read the news. That used to mean reading a newspaper every morning, or even two or three. Now you can get your daily dose of news online. I’m agnostic on that […]