While I’m on vacation this week, I’ll be rerunning some of the best WordCount posts of the year. Watch for new posts, including my predictions for the top digital media personalities to watch in 2009, starting January 5. Happy New Year! Today’s reruns: how writers can use LinkedIn, the business social network. The secret to […]
Merry Christmas to all
WordCount is busy celebrating the season and playing in the snow. Beginning Monday, Dec. 29, I’ll spend a week rerunning some of the year’s most popular posts on freelancing, digital media and the news business. Until then, Merry Christmas!
Top 10 digital media trends of 2008
This is the last new post I’ll write in 2008, so it seems fitting to look back at the biggest stories of the year in the digital media business and how they’ll affect on freelancers now and in the future. I’ll weigh in with my top 10 first. Feel free to send your own suggestions […]
MIT Mgt. Review on "nanobots" and why freelancers should care
MIT Sloan Management Review just published this story about employees who work well outside of the office and used the term “nanobots” to describe them: There’s a new class of worker out there: Nearly Autonomous, Not in the Office, doing Business in their Own Time Staff. Or nanobots, for short. Empowered by their mobile devices […]
In Portland, the big story is snow
The weather here has turned from major distraction to major story. In Portland, snow of any kind is a rarity and snow before Christmas just doesn’t happen all that often. The city’s at sea level, locked between the coastal mountain range and the Cascades, so conditions have to be just right for the stuff coming […]
WordCount weekly digital media biz recap
Over at the The New York Observer, John Koblin explains in At magazines, it’s 2.0 steps forward, 1.0 step back that while the Web may be the future for magazine publishing, right now print’s winning out and Website writers – and I might add Website freelancers – are getting axed left and right. ProBlogger guest […]