A freelance writer acquaintance recently asked how she could quickly and easily boost comments on her new blog. The good news is it is possible to get more people to leave comments on your blog. The bad news is may not be quick or easy. In the 15 months since I started blogging, I’ve seen […]
WordCount poll: How many Twitter accounts does one person need?
A freelance writer friend found me on Twitter this week so I sent a note welcoming her to the service. As it turns out, she’s been there for a while, just tweeting on a different account. My friend explained that she has two Twitter accounts, one she set up specifically to track developments in an […]
To stay fresh, take a mental break between writing deadlines
It’s hard to jump straight from writing “The End” on one assignment to “Once upon a time” on the next. Sometimes you need a mental break in between, even if it’s a short one. Think of it as a palate cleanser between courses. I recharge the old writing batteries by doing a quick activity between […]
Recap of Williamette U MBA program First Thursday meetup & Michelle's social media maxims
Whether you’re ready for it or not, social media is changing the way people do business. That was more than apparent at Willamette University MBA program’s First Thursday lecture series last night where I talked about how companies are using social media. A full house of close to 60 people packed the Living Room Theaters […]
Live & In Person
I’m coming out from behind the computer screen for a couple speaking engagements in coming weeks and thought it’d be fun to share what I’m doing. I put up a new page called Live & In Person; it’s there near the top of the column at the right side of the blog. Use it to […]
Help fight for release of freelance journalist Roxana Saberi
UPDATED APRIL 18: U.S. freelance broadcast journalist Roxana Saberi was sentenced to eight years in prison in Iran, where she had been accused of spying. Saberi, a former Miss North Dakota who’d reported from Iran for National Public Radio and other news organizations for the past six years, stood trial in Tehran earlier this week. […]