Freelancing isn’t about writing. It’s about sales. To be good at freelance writing, you have to be good at sales.
The great freelance rate debate continues
Writing for content aggregators and rates that those companies pay are much-discussed, much disagreed upon subjects in the freelance writing world – and that’s putting it mildly.
The race to the bottom
Do you focus on the lowest-common denominator freelance gigs that are easier to come by and easier to write but pay less and have a heck of a lot more competition vying for the opportunity? Or do you aim higher, going for the tougher assignments that are harder to land, harder to complete but pay more too?
Freelance tribes
When I went freelance, not only did I lose my full-time paycheck, I lost my tribe. Instead of being part of a pack of 300, suddenly I was on my own – at least that’s what it felt like at the time.
2009 Online Journalism Awards and the future of news
But many 2009 Online Journalism Award finalists are online-only publications that aim to pick up where cash-strapped newspapers have left off, especially on investigative news.
Think big
Major media companies are working to beat the recession by repackaging what they do to get more customers – and freelance writers can too. You don’t even have to think of innovations yourself. Just copy what the big boys are doing.