You did it! You blogged every day in May.
Time to get the party started.
The official wrap party for the 2012 WordCount Blogathon takes place today, Friday, June 1, at 10 a.m. Pacific time. Use the blogathon hashtag #blog2012 to join the conversation.
During the chat, we’ll share what we loved, what we learned and what we’d do differently next time.
For the 60-minute chat, we’ll start with introductions, then move to these questions:
- What was the best part of the blogathon for you?
- What did you learn?
- What would you do differently next time?
- Anything about the blogathon you’d change for next year?
At approximately 10:55 a.m. PDT, I’ll announce winners of the raffle drawing for everyone who posted all 31 days in May. Prizes include WordPress consulting, a DVD movie collection, books, and more. You can see the list of prizes, and the sponsors who donated them on the 2012 WordCount Blogathon sponsor page.
It’s possible to use the standard Twitter interface for the chat, but you might find it easier to follow along with an add-on application such as TweetGrid, TweetChat or HootSuite. Of those three, my favorite is TweetChat, which you can log into using your Twitter account. You might want to alert followers that you’ll be tweeting more than usual during the chat, and suggest they use Muuter.com to temporarily mute you if they don’t want to tune into the conversation.
If you’re unable to join us, I’ll post a complete transcript of the chat on WordCount once it’s over.