Because of the 2012 WordCount Blogathon, the monthly writer chat I normally host the last Wednesday of the month — which would be today — is moving to Friday, June 1.
The June 1 chat will celebrate the end of the blogathon, and will take place at the usual time of 10 a.m. Pacific time.
Use the official blogathon hashtag — #blog2012 — to join the conversation.
For the blogathon wrap party chat, we’ll share what they learned, what we loathed and what we’d do differently next time.
The Blogathon Wrap Party
For the 60-minute chat, we’ll start with introductions, then move to some pre-set questions. Here’s the questions:
- What was your favorite part of the blogathon?
- What did you learn?
- What would you do differently next time?
- What would you change about the blogathon for next year?
At the end of the chat, I’ll announce winners of the raffle drawing for everyone who posted all 31 days in May. Prizes include WordPress consulting, a DVD movie collection, books, and more. You can see the list of prizes, and the sponsors who donated them on the 2012 WordCount Blogathon sponsor page.
How to Join a Twitter Chat
It’s possible to use the standard Twitter interface for the chat, but you might find it easier to follow along with an add-on application such as TweetGrid, TweetChat or HootSuite. Of those three, my favorite is TweetChat, which you can log into using your Twitter account. You might want to alert followers that you’ll be tweeting more than usual during the chat, and suggest they use to temporarily mute you if they don’t want to tune into the conversation.
If you’re unable to join us, I’ll post a complete transcript of the chat on WordCount once it’s over.
Even if you weren’t involved in this year’s contest, join us! You’ll pick up great advice from experienced bloggers you can use on your own blog or if you’re doing another blogging challenge.
Regular WordCount Last Wednesday writer chats will resume in June. The next chat takes place on June 27 at 10 a.m. PDT. The topic is: using Pinterest. (Until then, here’s a little something to get you started: How freelancers and other writers can use Pinterest.)
Got an idea for a writer chat? Let me know by leaving a comment or writing me at
I’m going to try to make the twitchat, but I may not say much because they move faster than I can think in 140 characters. But how in the world did I not ever see your Pinterest post? It’s awesome about the way a writer can use it. I see it in a whole new light now (besides searching for pictures to inspire my home renovation).
Glad you liked it!
I finally set up HootSuite and have tested it a couple of times to make sure that the #hashtags I’ve selected to follow — mainly #blog2012 !!! — remain after I close one session and return for the next. This really simplifies everything about Twitter. Thanks for the nudge – without this incentive, I probably would’ve let it slide but now I’m really glad I have this tool.