UPDATED June 1 @ 11:45 A.M. PDT with names of prize winners (see below).
Please join your fellow blogathoners at a wrap party celebrating your victory today on Twitter at 10 a.m. Pacific time. To participate, use the official blogathon Twitter hashtag, #blog2011.
We’ll share what we liked, what we hated and what we learned from blogging every day in May. Even if you didn’t participate in the chat, please join us, especially if you missed signing up or are curious about it – it’s a great way to know what’s in store in case you want to sign up next year.
If you haven’t used Twitter before, or haven’t attended a Twitter chat, follow these step-by-step instructions.
Here’s the agenda for the chat:
10 a.m. Log on and introduce yourself.
10:10 a.m. I’ll post the first of 5 pre-set questions. To make it easy for people to keep track of conversations, include a reference to the question at the start of your answer (e.g., “Q1: I learned….”). The questions are:
- Q1 – What was your favorite part of the blogathon?
Q2 – What was your least favorite part?
Q3 – What did you learn about blogging?
Q4 – What blogging software or apps do you want to know more about?
Q5 – What should we add or do differently next time?
10:55 a.m. I’ll announce winners of the raffle prizes.
11 a.m. The chat ends.
UPDATE: Here are the winners, including winners of two prizes added at the beginning of today’s chat:
- Backroads & Byways of Arizona, by freelance writer and 4-year blogathon veteran Jackie Dishner goes to: Kim C., The Fitness Moms.
- Valhalla ebook by author, essayist and blogathon veteran Jennifer Willis goes to Sookie Stackhouse, a blogger who role plays the “True Blood” character.
- AP Stylebook, your choice of print, online or iPhone edition goes to: Sue Dickman, A Life Divided.
- Pub Speak: A Writer’s Dictionary of Publishing Terms ebook by Tracy Marchini goes to: Ginnie, at Nua Feileacan.
- The Literary Ladies Guide to the Writing Life, by Nava Atlas goes to: Laura Newman, Patient POV.
- A $25 Amazon gift card goes to: Glenneth Reed, Let’s Talk and Walk.
- A 1-year membership to Knowledgewebb, a tech training website for journalists, goes to: Katy Manck, Books YA Love.
- Your choice of one online class on WordPress, growing a blog, blogging for pay or syndicating a blog or column from professional blogger Jane Boursaw goes to: Lisa Carter, Intralingo.
- The online course, Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, from American Writers and Artists, Inc. goes to: Jenni Derryberry Mann, Mamahhh.
- 500 two-sided, two-color business cards from Next Day Flyers goes to: Jennie Phipps, What FLX Says.
- One hour of resume help from Danielle Buffardi at PenPoint Editorial Services goes to: Rafael Pinero, Neither Here Nor There
Apparently my brain was a bit sluggish from 31 days of postings because I inadvertently scheduled a lunch date during the google chat today. I’m hoping I can catch the end of the chat on my cell phone. Yet another new technology I’m trying out thanks to the blogathon. I’ll be using TweetDeck on my cell phone. I’m hoping I can figure it out. Since I’ll miss most of the discussion, I thought I’d answer your questions quickly here.
Q1-Learning, the community aspect, google groups sharing, theme days
Q2- ??? Probably Haiku day because I’m not a fan of them, but I liked having the theme. I’ll just do a limerick next time.
Q3- A TON! Too much to list here.
Q4- WordPress as I plan to convert!
Q5 – I’m not really sure….
Julie: Thanks for the feedback. If you’re interested in learning more about WordPress, mark your calendar now for my next monthly live chat, which will feature website/blog designer @rondoylewrites talking about WordPress. The date is Wednesday, June 29, at 10 am PDT. Use the hashtag #wclw.
this link worked (wp.me) not the bitly though. see ya in 25 minutes
Congratulations to all the winners and once again Michelle Thank you for putting all this together 🙂
congratulations to the winners and to all participants, too, and to you, Michelle, for another year. reading along at the chat, it was fascinating to see all the ideas on what people would like to learn. I’ve been asked to consider doing teaching and mentoring on blogging, so seeing those perspectives was helpful. thanks!
Thanks Kerry; I’ll be using information about what people want to learn to direct blog posts I write during the rest of this year.